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WTF Is A Budget: Financial Success Basics
A Note From Sam
Phase 1: Setting Goals with Clarity
How to Define Your Long Term Goals
Finding Your Financial Game Changer & Building Your Success Ladder
Using Your Emotions to Reach Your Goals
Phase 2: A Plan to Hit Your Goals
Identifying Your Expenses
Creating a Plan That Works for You
Phase 3: Implementation
Reaching Your Financial Game Changer
Making it Easier
Track Your Spending (without losing your mind)
Financial Self Care
That's A Wrap!
You're Ready to Take on 2022!
Things to Keep in Mind
Bonus Module: Managing Emotional Spending
Intro to Emotional Spending
How to Define What is Important to You
How to Spend More on Things That Bring You True Joy
Bonus Module: Bill Negotiation
Intro to Bill Negotiation
What is Negotiable?
How to Negotiate Your Bills
Intro to Emotional Spending
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